Aroha Mai Aroha Atu Christmas Gift Drive 2021
Love received, love returned This Christmas we are promoting a “Aroha Mai Aroha Atu’ term as we know so many local businesses and families are struggling, due to the effects of lockdown. We are asking that as much as possible any gifts are purchased locally and may reflect a favourite activity you enjoyed within your bubble during these uncertain times. If you would prefer to make a monetary donation pop on over to our facebook donate page https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/aroha-mai-aroha-atu-christmas-gift-drive-2021 Our aim is to bring a little bit of sunshine and hope to our most vulnerable children when often hope is lost and grief from being displaced and stress and anxiety that invade their little lives. If you would like to donate a present (unwrapped please) check our drop of points throughout Wellington and Porirua. While our official cut-off date is the 23th of December, it would be wonderful to have the bulk of the presents as soon as possible especially this last weekend of shopping in December. This will give us time to distribute them to the families by the 24th of December. Thank you so much for your support in helping to make Christmas for a child in care just a little bit brighter this year.
- Start Date: December 17, 2021
- Location: 77 Marine Parade, Seatoun 6022, wellington
- Address: 27 Hukatai Street, Elsdon, Porirua 5022
- End Date: December 23, 2021